Interest Rates

How Could a Fed Rate Hike Affect Retirees?

How Could a Fed Rate Hike Affect Retirees? As the central bank starts tightening, some positives & negatives may emerge.     Economists widely expect the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates this month. Additional incremental rate hikes may follow in 2016. If you are retired (or soon will be), you will want to consider what gradually higher interest rates could mean for you financially.  Some of the effects are already being felt. Glancing at Freddie Mac’s weekly surveys, average interest [...]

By |2017-03-28T08:17:17-04:00December 3rd, 2015|Business/Economic News, Interest Rates, Investing|Comments Off on How Could a Fed Rate Hike Affect Retirees?

The Fed Decides to Wait

The Fed Decides to Wait In a tough time for equities, it elects not to roil the markets.  On Thursday, the Federal Reserve postponed raising short-term interest rates. Citing “global economic and financial developments” that could “somewhat” impair economic progress and lessen inflation pressure, the Federal Open Market Committee voted 9-1 against a rate hike, with Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker being the lone dissenter.1 This spring, a September rate hike seemed probable – but during this past week, assumptions [...]

By |2017-03-28T08:17:18-04:00September 18th, 2015|Business/Economic News, Interest Rates|Comments Off on The Fed Decides to Wait

Rising Interest Rates

Rising Interest Rates How might they affect investments, housing & retirees? How will Wall Street fare if interest rates climb back to historic norms? Rising interest rates could certainly impact investments, the real estate market and the overall economy – but their influence might not be as negative as some perceive. Why are rates rising? You can cite three factors. The Federal Reserve is gradually reducing its monthly asset purchases. As that has happened, inflation expectations have grown, and perception [...]

By |2017-03-28T08:17:25-04:00June 11th, 2014|Business/Economic News, Interest Rates, Personal Finance|Comments Off on Rising Interest Rates
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