Financial Fitness

Guarding Against Identity Theft

Guarding Against Identity Theft Take steps so criminals won’t take vital information from you.    America is enduring a data breach epidemic. The latest annual study of the problem from Javelin Strategy & Research, a leading financial analytics research firm, says that 16.7 million people across the nation were impacted by I.D. theft in 2017 – an all-time high.1 The problem is getting worse – much worse. Last year, 30% of U.S. consumers were alerted about data breaches by firms [...]

By |2018-08-09T14:56:11-04:00July 31st, 2018|Cybersecurity, Financial Fitness|Comments Off on Guarding Against Identity Theft

Protect Dead Relatives from ID Theft

Good information from Bottom Line Personal's interview with Adam Levin, JD: Protect Dead Relatives from ID Theft Don’t assume that the risk of having your identity stolen lasts only as long as you are alive. More than two million dead Americans become victims of identity theft each year. To an identity thief, the recently deceased are ideal targets. Unlike the living, the dead never notice that they are being victimized and don’t take steps to stop these crimes. There is [...]

By |2017-12-01T14:09:48-05:00November 29th, 2017|Cybersecurity, Financial Fitness, Personal Finance|Comments Off on Protect Dead Relatives from ID Theft

What Are Your Odds of Being Audited?

What Are Your Odds of Being Audited? They are low, unless you show the I.R.S. some conspicuous “red flags” on your return.   Fewer than 1% of Americans have their federal taxes audited. The percentage has declined recently due to Internal Revenue Service budget cuts. In 2016, just 0.7% of individual returns were audited (1 of every 143). That compares to 1.1% of individual returns in 2010.1,2 The rich are more likely to be audited – and so are the [...]

By |2017-09-22T15:04:23-04:00September 21st, 2017|Financial Fitness, Personal Finance|Comments Off on What Are Your Odds of Being Audited?

Having the Money Talk with Your Children

Having the Money Talk with Your Children How much financial knowledge do they have?  Some young adults manage to acquire a fair amount of financial literacy. In the classroom or the workplace, they learn a great deal about financial principles. Others lack such knowledge and learn money lessons by paying, to reference William Blake, “the price of experience.” Broadly speaking, how much financial literacy do young people have today? At this writing, some of the most recent data appears in [...]

By |2017-08-21T08:43:40-04:00August 17th, 2017|Financial Fitness, Personal Finance, Saving & Budgeting|Comments Off on Having the Money Talk with Your Children

The Rough Consequences of Not Saving for Retirement

The Rough Consequences of Not Saving for Retirement Do you really want to risk facing these potential outcomes? Saving for retirement may seem a thankless task. But you may be thanking yourself later. Putting away a percentage of one’s income, money that could be used for any number of bills or luxuries, is a sacrifice made in the present in order to avoid a larger trouble down the road. More than a quarter of seniors have no retirement savings. To [...]

By |2017-08-04T11:01:19-04:00August 3rd, 2017|Financial Fitness, Investing, Retirement, Savings and Investing|Comments Off on The Rough Consequences of Not Saving for Retirement
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