
Gauging the Sequester’s Impact

Gauging the Sequester’s Impact Where and how soon might the cuts be made?  As there was no last-minute agreement between Congress and the White House to postpone federal budget cuts scheduled to take effect March 1, the ax now falls. Unless a bipartisan effort somehow undoes them, assorted federal government agencies will have their budgets reduced by $85 billion between now and October 1, as the initial step in a planned $1.2 trillion deficit trimming over the next ten years. [...]

By |2017-03-28T08:17:30-04:00March 7th, 2013|Business/Economic News, Congress|Comments Off on Gauging the Sequester’s Impact

The Debt Ceiling Dilemma

THE DEBT CEILING DILEMMA Tension eases for the moment, but contention remains.   Global investors watch America anxiously. In late December, the U.S. technically reached its debt ceiling of approximately $16.4 trillion, with the federal government taking what Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner called “extraordinary measures” to avert a default.1 Even as House GOP leaders announced plans Friday to approve a three-month increase in the federal debt limit, tension remains  - and that tension could  provoke a debt ceiling battle on [...]

By |2017-03-28T08:17:31-04:00February 5th, 2013|Business/Economic News, Congress|Comments Off on The Debt Ceiling Dilemma
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