
Your 2018 Financial To-Do List

Your 2018 Financial To-Do List Things you can do for your future as the year unfolds.  What financial, business, or life priorities do you need to address for 2018? Now is a good time to think about the investing, saving, or budgeting methods you could employ toward specific objectives, from building your retirement fund to lowering your taxes. You have plenty of options. Here are a few that might prove convenient: Can you contribute more to your retirement plans this [...]

By |2018-01-19T12:40:58-05:00January 19th, 2018|Personal Finance, Saving & Budgeting, Savings and Investing|Comments Off on Your 2018 Financial To-Do List

Congress Passes the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act

Congress Passes the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act What will the near-term impact be?  On December 20, Congress passed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, sending the final version of the GOP tax reform bill to President Trump’s desk. The legislation alters the Internal Revenue Code to a degree unseen since the 1980s, altering income tax brackets, marginal tax rates, key deductions and exemptions, and the taxation of corporations and pass-through businesses. These are just some of the adjustments.1  How [...]

By |2018-01-03T13:34:55-05:00January 3rd, 2018|Business/Economic News, Income Taxes|Comments Off on Congress Passes the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act

Year-End Charitable Gifting

Year-End Charitable Gifting What should you keep in mind as you donate?   Are you making charitable donations this holiday season? If so, you should know about some of the financial “fine print” involved, as the right moves could potentially bring more of a benefit to the charity and to you. To deduct charitable donations, you must itemize them on I.R.S. Schedule A. So, you need to document each donation you make. Ideally, the charity uses a form it has [...]

By |2017-12-22T11:29:53-05:00December 21st, 2017|Charitable Giving, Personal Finance|Comments Off on Year-End Charitable Gifting

End-of-the-Year Money Moves

End-of-the-Year Money Moves Here are some things you might want to do before saying goodbye to 2017.    What has changed for you in 2017? Did you start a new job or leave a job behind? Did you retire? Did you start a family? If notable changes occurred in your personal or professional life, then you will want to review your finances before this year ends and 2018 begins. Even if your 2017 has been relatively uneventful, the end of [...]

By |2017-12-22T11:22:22-05:00December 7th, 2017|end of year money moves, Personal Finance, Saving & Budgeting, Savings and Investing|Comments Off on End-of-the-Year Money Moves

Protect Dead Relatives from ID Theft

Good information from Bottom Line Personal's interview with Adam Levin, JD: Protect Dead Relatives from ID Theft Don’t assume that the risk of having your identity stolen lasts only as long as you are alive. More than two million dead Americans become victims of identity theft each year. To an identity thief, the recently deceased are ideal targets. Unlike the living, the dead never notice that they are being victimized and don’t take steps to stop these crimes. There is [...]

By |2017-12-01T14:09:48-05:00November 29th, 2017|Cybersecurity, Financial Fitness, Personal Finance|Comments Off on Protect Dead Relatives from ID Theft
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