
Measuring the Value of a Financial Professional

Measuring the Value of a Financial Professional Findings suggest that these relationships can make a difference for investors. What is a relationship with a financial professional worth to an investor? A 2019 study by Vanguard, one of the world’s largest money managers, attempted to answer that question. Vanguard’s whitepaper, concluded that when an investor works with a professional and receives that level of investment advice, they may see a net portfolio return about 3% higher over time.1 How did this [...]

By |2021-07-02T13:21:31-04:00July 2nd, 2021|Personal Finance, Retirement|Comments Off on Measuring the Value of a Financial Professional

Guarding Against Identity Theft

Guarding Against Identity Theft Take steps so criminals won’t take vital information from you. America is enduring a data breach problem. As many workers traded in the office for remote work, data security has been a focus for the public and private sectors. Between robocalls pitching low-cost health insurance, pretending to be the I.R.S., or offering “work from home” opportunities, the pandemic has seen scammers getting more creative than they’ve ever been.1 Tax time is prime time for identity thieves. [...]

By |2021-06-10T11:30:51-04:00June 10th, 2021|Financial Fitness|Comments Off on Guarding Against Identity Theft

Debate Starts on Capital Gains Tax

Debate Starts on Capital Gains Tax What to expect and why. Now and again, the price action on Wall Street can surprise even the most seasoned investors. Look no further than when President Biden in late April proposed an increase in the tax on capital gains to 39.6% from 20% for those Americans who earn more than $1 million.1 Stocks dropped on the news, with the Standard & Poor’s 500 index down nearly 1% for the day.2 The “sell first, [...]

By |2021-05-12T09:38:39-04:00May 12th, 2021|Business/Economic News, Investing|Comments Off on Debate Starts on Capital Gains Tax

Retirement Blind Spots

Retirement Blindspots Some life and financial factors that can sometimes be overlooked. We all have our “blue sky” visions of the way retirement should be, yet our futures may unfold in ways we do not predict. So, as you think about your “second act,” you may want to consider some life and financial factors that can suddenly arise. You may end up retiring earlier than you expect. If you leave the workforce at “full” retirement age (FRA), which is 67 [...]

By |2021-04-28T13:44:19-04:00April 15th, 2021|Retirement|Comments Off on Retirement Blind Spots

Building a Healthy Financial Foundation

Building a Healthy Financial Foundation How many pieces do you have in place? When you read about money matters, you will sometimes see the phrase, “getting your financial house in order.” What exactly does that mean? When your financial “house is in order,” it means it is built on a solid foundation. It means that you have six fundamental “pillars” in place that are either crucial for sustaining your financial well-being or creating wealth. #1: A savings account. This is [...]

By |2021-03-26T11:01:45-04:00March 26th, 2021|Financial Fitness|Comments Off on Building a Healthy Financial Foundation
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