
Value Investing vs Growth Investing

Looking at their recent track records doesn’t do much to settle the debate. Over the past decade, as a whole, value stocks have not performed as well as growth stocks. But looking at a larger body of cumulative data, reaching as far back as 1926, this has not always been the case. Let’s dive in a little deeper.1 Investing for Value Value investors look for bargains. That is, they attempt to find stocks that are trading below the value of [...]

By |2022-06-20T10:48:02-04:00May 31st, 2022|Investing|Comments Off on Value Investing vs Growth Investing

You Need an Emergency Fund!

Have you ever had one of those months? The water heater stops heating, the dishwasher stops washing, and your family ends up on a first-name basis with the nurse at urgent care. Then, as you're driving to work, you see smoke coming from under your hood. Bad things happen to the best of us, and sometimes it seems like they come in waves. That's when an emergency cash fund can come in handy. One survey found that nearly 25% of [...]

By |2022-05-26T15:12:49-04:00May 15th, 2022|Personal Finance, Saving & Budgeting|Comments Off on You Need an Emergency Fund!

Count Down to College

As a parent, you of course want to give your child the best opportunity for success, and for many, attending the “right” university or college is that opportunity. Unfortunately, being accepted to the college of one’s choice may not be as easy as it once was. Additionally, the earlier you consider how you expect to pay for college costs, the better. Today, the average college graduate owes $37,172 in debt, while the average salary for a recent graduate is $50,944.1,2 [...]

By |2022-04-29T14:25:19-04:00April 29th, 2022|College Savings|Comments Off on Count Down to College

Investment Implications of the War in Ukraine

Interesting insights on the economic impact of the war in Ukraine from the Capital Group:

By |2022-03-27T20:19:22-04:00March 25th, 2022|Business/Economic News, International|Comments Off on Investment Implications of the War in Ukraine

How to Handle Market Declines

Market declines are unsettling. The following article offers insight and perspective:                          

By |2022-02-24T20:17:00-05:00February 24th, 2022|Savings and Investing, Stock Market|Comments Off on How to Handle Market Declines
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